NLP Coaching Certification
Alphastars BestLife-Excecutive-Business Coach & NLP Certification
Do you want to improve productivity of someone in just one-on-one 30 minute Executive Coaching session? How would you feel impacting personal efficiency of your friend or a person you know or make-believe team members, they can increase collective performance up by 20 % or more as much you decide , just in 2 or 3 Group Coaching sessions, think of growing sense of satisfaction when you could Coach Small Business Owners to double up sales and increase profits in 6 months with few fortnightly sessions, what about having a single Team Coaching session and helping them envision a new brand building strategies, won’t you love to make upcoming Managers to evolve as Strategic Leader by personalising performance coaching and while you are on this page a BestLife coach is making an appreciable difference in the life of a client, friend, manager, CEO or leadership aspiring young lad.
Welcome in your life Alphastars globally prestigious NLP Training Certification meant to develop you as BestLife-Executive-Business Transformational Coach.
NLP, as many of us know is the most admired technology adopted by Business People, Celebrities, Working Professionals and Corporate Leaders as well as Top Business, Executive and Life Coaches.
In addition to NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Certification, Alphastars is the only NLP training and BestLife-Business Coach Certification company, one among the rarest of rare in the world to offer Thinking Patterns Profiling based coaching and training. This also enable you to Design Models of Excellence and Emotional Intelligence or Map Competencies etc.
Take pride to add BestLife NLP Model to your Tool-Box of Coaching and…..
- Make someone come down to loose weight and stress,
- Have happiness, income and profits to go up.
- Build confidence in leaders to take up new projects.
- Align people with organisation values to create new culture.
- Generate new ideas to fish in the blue ocean of new market
- Make more hours in a day increasing personal efficiency.
- Infuse courage to take up criticism.
- Get people to release guilt, fears, shame and anger.
- Have anyone to execute goal accomplishment strategy.
- Formulate and achieve 3, 5, 10 or 20 years Big Higher Audacious Goals (BHAGs)
- Develop new business model, work a new plan.
And yes much more than you can ever imagine, both in terms of creating impact or making more money, if you work as a professional coach. Come journey with us a fun filled, deeply immersed training of the highest quality, gain profound skill mastery in NLP Practitioner,NLP Master Practitioner and 3 days or 5 days BestLife-Business Coach certification with us. We both, Sat and Siri are highly experienced and passionate, have practically used NLP tool-kit for years now in coaching people in different domain and in different contexts.
Click here to get CertificateMost Updated and Appreciated BestLife-Business Coach & NLP Training
Dr. Richard Bandler’s unmatchable standard, NLP Training Certification courses, forms the basis of a unique, installing Transformational Operating Patterns –TOP with BestLife NLP model, developed by Alphastars Sat and Siri over the 20 years of diverse experience. It is unique and most in demand across all section of people to help you evolve as Outstanding Individual as well as BestLife Coach while you undergo NLP Training. It has been so much appreciated that we feel deeply touched with sincere gratitude for being respectably quoted as life transformational trainer and coachers by majority of our passed out practitioners.. In totality we offer 7 days+ 8 day program integrating the powerful basic and master level NLP tools oriented for BestLife-Business and Executive coaching. This is Irrespective of your objective to be certified as NLP practitioner for personal growth, leadership development, therapy (in case you are legitimate health care professional) or business excellence, our NLP certification model is built around carefully chosen and most essential set of tools, you need for personal and professional excellence. We participate in most authenticate NHRD, WHRD, CII, AIMA, and Coaching Forums and keep track of latest trends and make NLP training and Business-life coach training fully geared to exceedthe highest demanding standards of global and national market.
Alphastars Unique Approach to BestLife-Busines NLP Coach Training
Group Density. we ensure optimum group size, coaching conducive environment for all of workshops, keep one trainer for 10 participant , ideal for Coaching Practice Sessions. You get unrestricted access to our trainers to give you the most rewarding and memorable learning experience of a lifetime and individualised attention.
Group Diversity. You get the unparalleled chance to interact, practice and coach people from different back ground and age group. Practising skills with people having different kind of challenges thrills you to begin with confidence mind set. CEOs from MNC’s, PSU’s, Professionals. Home Makers, Professional and Students of all ages enrol enthusiastically.
Authenticity The BestLife NLP model is simple to practice and apply to real life situation. Trainers and Coaches facilitating the group have spent best of the years in the development of teaching and training methodologies as taught by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, John LaValle, NLP Master Tariner, President of SNLP, Kathleen LaValle, Business and Marketing Coach and NLP Master Trainer. We both Sat and Siri have individually undergone more than 200 hrsof Coach Specific Training with ICF accredited coaching schools in Australia. USA and Canada.
Options to Take up BestLife-Busines-Excecutive Coach Training Program
Full blown model of BestLife-Business Coach and NLP Training Certification is available from Alphastars Sat and Siri in two simple steps which can be completed one right after the other in the same city or joining us separately in two different course locations. We use NLP as a major aspect for our BestLife Coach Training courses. Our program also offers more than 120 hours of training – twice the recommended by most national and international professional coach accreditation federations, institutes and corporate houses. Because NLP is learned through experience, we want to make sure you have enough practice to become familiar with the skills and concepts you are learning.
We offer the following two options for certification as a BestLife Coach:
Practitioner Level, Option-1
Step 1 – BestLife Coach and NLP Certified Practitioner
- 7 day Hi-Power Transform to BestLife – Be Outstanding, NLP Training Workshop.
Read More - Certification awarded: NLP Practitioner + Alphastars BestLife Coach (check mandatory additional mentoring.)
Step 2 – BestLife Professional Coach Certification
- 3 day BestLife – Be Outstanding Professional Coach Workshop
- Certification awarded Alphastars BestLife Professional Coach + ICF Compatible Professional Coach Tool-Kit
Mastery Level, Option – 2 (followed by option-1)
Step 3 – BestLife-Inner Alignment Coach and NLP Certified Master Practitioner
- 8 day Inner Alignment to BestLife – Be a Great Individual, NLP Training Workshop
- Certification awarded: NLP Master Practitioner + BestLife-Inner Alignment Coach + Manual Meta Profiling
Step 4 – BestLife-I AM Coach, Inner Alignment MasteryCoach Certification (Executive/Business Orientation)
- 4 day Inner BestLife – Inner Alignment Mastery Executive/Business Coach Workshop.
- Certification awarded: Alphastars BestLife Inner Alignment Mastery Executive/Business Coach + Online Meta Profiling + Introduction to Mapping Competencies, Design Model of excellence, Develop PDP or Emotional Intelligence etc. and Coach Teams based on TPA.
BestLife Coach Certification Credentials
Alphastars is an authentic NLP certification academy, maintain highest standard and code of ethics to award BestLife Coach Certifications. Sat and Siri both, are an experienced highly in demand international trainer. They have earned great appreciation, respect and reputation in nearly 20 years for their integrity and genuine approach while training and coaching all kinds of clients. They have also earned international standards credentials form different coaching schools and authentic coach organisations. They are also certified licensed NLP Trainers of Dr. Richard Bandler’s SNLP the undisputed and most ethical licensing society with wide spread presence of its members in almost all the countries. Combine together 7 days of basic Practitioner of NLP and 8 days of Master Practitioner of NLP, Alphastars offer more than 120 hours of training, as recommended by different Coach Certification Bodies. You emerge as very versatile coach, fit to handle all sorts of Executive, Life and Business coaching assignments.
Astonishing facts about NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been always recognised as a remarkable coaching tool. Coach approach central to Outcome Thinking, Resource Anchoring, Belief Bursting and Well Formed-ness Conditions etc. are powerful NLP skills that synchronise well alongside any coaching model. People form diverse background and different thinking style having mastered NLP, have made it quite indispensable tool for business, life, executive and all sort of coaches. . Meta-Model, sleight of mouth patterns and Milton Model etc engages both the conscious and unconscious minds. It became easier to tap into unexplored parts of mind that leads to high performance state. Unconscious Competency Modelling and Learning to Model Excellence, Designing and Installing Strategies are few to count NLP skills taught in out BestLife NLP Training Model that opens up ‘high way’ of possibilities. Coach’s ability to practice these techniques makes protege believe, ‘anything is possible!’ And you learn many of such techniques during the program, more than enough to make an elegant impact as BestLife Coach.
So what is the BestLife Coaching programme all about? We have witnessed that most of coach trainingorganisations include lot of NLP stuff, as part of their coach training programme. A closer look at ICF coach competencies manifesto will confirm you that how practical it is for any successful coach to learn these skills. As more and more coaches are showing interest to learn authentic and result oriented skills from the genuine source, it has deeply impacted many NLP training organisations to come forward and offer NLP-based coaching. Research shows that using NLP Tool-Set, even the most challenging clients can be coached elegantly and effortlessly. At Alphastars the entire Practitioner and Master Practitioner of BestLife NLP model is designed keeping in mind the coaches who wish take up coaching as a responsible profession. We have also kept in mind all kinds of coaches. Those who are keen to enhance their current level of skills with the most sought after, easy to adopt and proven NLP Tools as well as the new one. Best for both, BestLife NLP Model enhances, the effectiveness and grace of experienced coaches and infuse confidence in the beginners from the day one.