Meta Program Profiling Tool and power of NLP to bring Blind Spots to Light
People behave perfectly and make the best choice they have. People behave differently in different in different contexts. BestLife Coach Model includes a very useful module of developing insight and increasing understanding of others thinking patterns. Fortunately using simple tools you can predict and use others thinking patterns to connect, interact and get the results you want from others.
BestLife coaches are trained to develop intuition to understand the way others make decisions, perceptions and responses. You can make out their management style, stress response and feedback system that will perfectly fit in their mental models.
Business and performance is all about motivation and learning strategies. So how to assess and make use of others way of performing. AlphastarsBestLife Coaches are equipped to dynamically profile such useful patterns very systematically and practically.
As NLP is developing understanding about the way brain does coding of experience. The invaluable meta profiling assessment tool helps coaches to predicts how others are coding and going to behave, most of the time, in a particular context. And the good news is people can be coached to re-program the coding using NLP tools, this makes it for instance possible to change someone to respond like an towards gain in a certain context, instead of an away from pain.