Our Trainers at India NLP Alphastars
Trainers in India NLP
“Sat Puram Singh Khalsa and Siri Guru PrakashKaur Khalsa” They are the only 18+ years experienced Licensed Trainers of Dr. Richard Bandler’s Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming, U.S.A in India who are the first to bring the work of co-originator of NLP in India. They have been personal coach, facilitators and consultants to CEO’s, Executives and Corporate Trainers.
Siri G P Khalsa is an impressive Licensed NLP trainer since 1995 personally certified by Dr. Richard Bandler.She is a marvelous coach and in few steps creates a break through.
She personally supervises every skill practice session in the workshop and makes sure that you attain a prestigious certification level and develop ability to apply NLP in real life situation. Her way of training is so simple that it directly goes into heart.
She is a qualified Life coach and Spiritual counselor with ISIC Hospital, VasantKunj, New Delhi. Her clients wait for her and love to be coached by her.
She is a very unique Licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).She has assisted Dr Richard Bandler in 1997 workshop in Bangalore Hotel Le Meridiens.
A lifetime member of NHRD, attend most of their meets. She has designed and directed hundreds of corporate training programs.
She comes from a background of computers and has a natural flair of designer wears and accessories. Any one who glances has appreciated her remarkable designers suits.
Yogi Bhajan of USA personally initiated her into Yoga of Awareness. She holds level 1 Certificate in Teaching from Yogi Ji’’s KRI, Los Angeles, USA.
Sat P Singh Khalsa has more than 18 years experience in professional and motivational Training and development and has been involved with NLP since 1994.
He is highly strategic and experienced Licensed NLP Trainer and has assisted Dr Richard Bandler in the workshop in India in 1997 .
He has a special ability in designing processes and systems. He is qualified coach, in fact coach approach comes natural in his communication.
He pioneers in blending multiple techniques and using new methods of personal development. Many times his one-liners are powerfully transformative, leaves you keep guessing, how come one can change so quickly.
He has lost the count of books and numbers of author he has studied. Knowledge acquiring is as natural for him as breathing. He reads on average one book per week.
He has studied various models of excellence, in fact he helps many people to model excellence in different contexts. He is a coach and mentor to a select and upcoming group of entrepreneurs.
“NLP training inspires you to make desirable and appropriate changes in your personal, business, social and relationship life, becoming a more elegant communicator, a strategic persuader and a multiple perspective-oriented, a flexible creative person.”
– Siri, Chief NLP Coach &Trainer, ALPHASTARS-India NLP Training
Why people choose Sat and Siri over so many others?
Reliability of trainers and certifying body are perhaps the most important things one must check. And in the world of chaos and confusion, it is even more important, because any one can claim to be the trainer and issue a certificate from anywhere in the world. Read below something that most people don’t check. But if you care to, read on….
Sat and Siri are Certified and Licensed Trainer of NLP and member of Dr. Richard Bandler’s Society of NLP (SNLP), an organization set up by developers of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder to maintain and improve the quality of NLP offered to the learner. It is the largest and most authentic certifying body in the world.
Anyone can misguide you by mentioning “AINLPI” from country “XXXX”(USA,UK,AUSetc,)
This does not mean an authentic society. Specially to confuse Indian community, some foreigners walk into India, name a society and claim their authenticity.
Some time they have just finished a Trainer’s Training and have no experience to Certify practitioners. would you hire a cab if the driver has just obtained a Drivering License but actually has never taken passengers through the high way or would you recommend a surgeon who has never even assisted in a surgery.
Check with us to be doubly sure, we will inform you about authentic NLP certification bodies. This is irrespective of wheather you join us or not.
Sat and Siri are the only more than 18 years plus experienced trainers in India who have qualified the Trainers Training course and have successfully taken up evaluation process with Dr. Richard Bandler. This is one of the most in-depth and challenging evaluation processes in the world. Each trainer is tested stringently to demonstrate the highest degree of skill and competency before being awarded a Trainer certificate. They are the most experienced Indian trainers and keep themselves at pace with changing world and latest developments in NLP training and have rich national and international experience.
They present the NLP to their class in a way, which is in line with the norms and intentions of the co-creator of NLP, Dr. Richard Bandler.
NLP in its Pure Form
We know you want to learn NLP from a genuine source. And contents, if not taken care of, flowing down through generations of trainers gets diluted. Facts get distorted and misrepresented, making NLP not only less effective, and unnecessarily more complex to learn and apply.
Sat and Siri have studied and learned extensive and original work directly from co-creators of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler and his most brilliant and finest research and training partners John La Valle, and Kathleen La Valle. They have been trained and mentored by some of the very best of Richards apprentices. They also have the privilege of assisting Dr. Richard Bandler during his only visit and practitioner of NLP course run in India, in Bangalore in 1997. With their first-hand information directly from the originators of NLP, you can rely on them to learn what NLP really is.
Sat and Siri practices and share NLP in its pure form, keeping its simplicity and effectiveness intact.
Development and continuous improvement are bound to make certain part of things to become obsolete and irrelevant. This is true for NLP too. And you want to get the updated and upgraded form of NLP training.
Dr. Richard Bandler have corrected some flaws in the original model of NLP that was created in the 70’s, and stopped teaching some of the interventions. . This brings significant enhancements to the field of NLP. NLP Seminar Group team is continuously developing powerful and easy-to-use processes for change work and personal evolution, giving you better result in faster time.
Latest update Sat and Siri have taken up with
Dr. Richard Bandler Orlando, USA in July 2010.
Sat always challenges himself for continuous up gradation, development, and constantly updates his skills and knowledge with the latest research and development in this field. He spends 2 hrs. at least every day. Besides NLP, he has also been trained in Coach U and Charisma Enhancement. NLP Coaching, the latest and most advanced developments in NLP.
Siri prefers to coach and counsel people to keep her-self challenging and testing in the field of NLP. Beside NLP, she has taken up ICF,ACTP standard 120 hrs coaching course based on NLP Solution Focused Coaching.
Multi Dimensional Experiences
Despite you are the best in your field; there is something better out there. Don’t you want to learn from the trainer who remains vigil, alert and more importantly open to expanding horizons and widening scope of multiple opportunities available to learn and grow in variety of ways.
Sat and Siri have also been trained directly with Tony Robbins, in Long Beach, Los Angeles USA and have gained the latest insights of presentation style with him to deliver highest quality of trainings. (Tony is their personal friend and has been close to their Spiritual Master Yogi Bhajan, Los Angeles, USA.
Incidentally, Richard too has been quite an admirer and friend of Yogi Bhajan.) Yogi Bajan, pioneered in the field of Yoga, a science of Mind, Body and Spirit integration. Trained people from NASA, Harvard, Peace Keeping, Security officials and individuals from different background. So have Richard and Tony worked in different capacities with lots of elite groups. Being in the company of such great individuals, Sat and Siri have become quite versatile trainers.
Sat and Siri present the whole NLP in a multi-dimensional versatile model. A structured model that people appreciate because of inter-relatedness and functionality,
It is understood that there is often a considerable gap in between learning in training environment and applying it in real life situation. There are many people who get a certificate, but remain incompetent to use what they learn.
You need trainers who are constantly working with corporate and private clients, helping them in achieving desired results for business and personal life. Trainers with real world and corporate experience using NLP.
Sat and Siri present the whole NLP model in a unique manner that people have found it very easy and practical to apply.
As some of trainers heavily focused on their achievements and demonstrate their expertise. Thus their personal example is louder than what they make their people capable of. Sat and Siri on the other hand focus more on Practitioner’s skill building process.
Sat and Siri teaches what they have actually experienced and tested in the real and corporate world. Their depth of knowledge and skills, help you in applying and using what you’ve learned in the real-time situation. Obviously, it is getting the results that count
Sat and Siri have experienced learning in different positions, trainings as a participant, a trainer’s assistant to Dr. Richard Bandler, a mentor, Protégé and also chief trainer. They have experienced many different teaching styles and methods, attended national and international conferences. Participated in AIMA, NHRD, and World HRD Congress etc. They have learned and experienced what really works and what must not be taught as well. And through years of careful observation and introspections, they have brain stormed, confronted and challenged each other’s as well from time to time to reach to solutions. They deliver exactly what can help people to overcome obstacles.
Sat and Siri uses advance NLP skills to make NLP trainings enjoyable, faster and simple. They use multi-level-communication, demonstrations, stage anchoring, nested loops, embedded suggestions, up-down time utilizations, advance linguistic patterns, ambiguities patterns, and powerful metaphors with mastery. That’s how learning NLP with them is so much fun and easy!